1, Sleep

Sleep is the most important time to recover. Adequate levels of sleep help to provide mental health, hormonal balance and muscular recovery. You need to get enough sleep, which is between seven to ten hours. However everyone has individual needs based on their lifestyle.


  • Go to bed before twelve at night as this can be more effective than those that go to bed after.
  • Sleep in the most natural setting possible, with minimal to no artificial lights.
  • Wakeup with the sun if possible.
  • Fresh air and cooler temperatures help to improve the quality of sleep.


2, Hydration


Drinking adequate amounts of water is critical to health, energy, recovery and performance. Keeping that awareness during training and after is just as important as before.


The simplest way to check hydration is to look at your pee. If it is clear to pale yellow you are hydrated. The darker and more colour in your pee the less hydrated you are and more water you need to drink.


  • Water is the best way to hydrate, you should be drinking 4 ltrs of water per day now, right up to your race day.
  • Sports drinks are only needed for before, during, and after strenuous training or completion, don’t drink them simply because they taste good.
  • We have our Herbalife 24 range which has a Hydration drink. If you want one let me know and I will get you a sachet ready for you to drink before your run.


3, Nutrition

Everything you eat has the ability to help heal your body, or to poison it. This may sound strong, but alcohol and processed foods contain toxins and are harmful to the body. I don’t like to recommend a specific diet, but eating clean and balanced meals in moderation is proven to be effective to remain healthy and increase performance. Dairy and wheat are processed differently by everyone and you need to educate yourself on these topics and how they personally affect you.


  • Have healthy snacks readily available that you can enjoy before your run and after
  • Plan ahead you need to start fuelling your body now with good clean foods.
  • Lean protein, clean carbs, I.E sweet potato, wholemeal pasta and rice lots of greens
  • Our Herbalife 24 range Protein and endurance recovery drinks are also a good key factor that will help.


4, Stretching

You need enough flexibility to move well and remain pain free. Attempt to self-identify tight areas and work on them. Don’t get caught doing the exact same stretches you’ve always done. Try a foam roller or go invest in a good massage to help with any little tightness or soreness.